Public cloud platforms offer an enormous amount of new possibilities. However, the use of such platforms also brings with it many changes, new complexity and risks. Design and architecture principles as well as ways of thinking in the area of IT service management and IT organisations must change.
Today, it's all about speed, scaling, security and cost efficiency. Application landscapes are changing in the direction of "serverless". The provision of IT resources is required at short notice while at the same time fulfilling extensive security requirements. IT administrators are confronted with new issues and, above all, still have the familiar on-premise world in their area of responsibility. All in all, there are many reasons why cloud projects can fail. And this is exactly where we come in. It all starts with the IT and cloud strategy. A clear understanding of what the future should look like. Your very individual blueprint for the future IT infrastructure and application landscape and the ability to solve familiar problems, both technological and organisational - step by step. For example, consider significantly increasing the maturity level of your infrastructure and operational processes through automation, which will also lead to reduced downtimes and faster recovery times in the event of a cyberattack. Or the implementation of IT projects using modern/agile methods to optimise project results and reduce frictional losses between the specialist departments involved. And thanks to appropriate cost management, they can keep an eye on costs and the fulfilment of compliance requirements at all times.